Interview Tips

Interview TipsThe biggest test that is faced by a job seeker is to face the interview board. The interviewee therefore needs to instill self-belief while facing the interviewers. This confidence can be gained by some diligent preparation on the part of the individual by following the methods prescribed below:-

Step 1. GROUND WORK: – It is essential to carry out some research on the employer by visiting the company web page and the job requirements. The candidate can further self-assess and check for himself the areas where he needs to improve. At Vision Beyond, we carry out the relevant regarding the job and the company and get you prepared well in advance for the interview. The second aspect essential in an interview is to be present a few minutes before the scheduled interview. So, it will help the candidate if he plans the route before- hand and arrives well in time for the interview. He must also be well groomed and dressed smartly with a look of authority. Candidates can conduct mock interviews with their friends and assess the areas of concern. The candidates can also mark some questions that could be asked in the interview.

Step 2. TACKLING DIFFICULT AREAS: – Candidates are likely to face situational questions aimed at extracting the personality of the candidate. Preparing before-hand for such questions obviously will definitely help the candidate in putting forth the proper response. The candidate are better advised to co relate these questions to real life incidents and answer the question with all honesty.

Step 3. INTERVIEWS VIA TELEPHONE: – The trend of telephonic interviews is gradually picking up and a job seeking candidate needs to address this aspect too. An important tip for the candidate would be to consider a telephone interview as similar to a one-one interview. The candidate will need to make a note of the probable questions that he wants to put forth before the interviewer. The candidate needs to seek some privacy so that there is some silence while attempting the interview. Candidates can practice their facial expressions while facing the interview. This will help the candidate to face the questions with the right composure and he will be cautious about his demeanor while answering questions.

While facing the interview in any form, the candidate must keep a smiling face and answer all questions with confidence.

The most common questions that the candidate will face in any interview would be

  1. Why is he seeking the job in the company?
  2. What can he contribute to the organization?
  3. What were the reasons for resigning from the last job or the reasons for leaving the current job?
  4. Details about the last job
  5. How will he manage the tasks assigned to him?
  6. What differences does he observe from the last job to the present?

Step 4. THE INTERVIEW DAY : – The candidate must reach the venue with some to spare. He must be equipped with fine copy of his resume along with some stationary and a pen. He should smile when he faces the interview/board and maintain visual contact. He should handshake the interviewer with a firm handshake and usher confidence.

Points to avoid:-

  1. Do not alter the posture, should not fold his hands and never take off the eyes
  2. Never lose the concentration
  3. Giving vague answers
  4. Be discourteous
  5. Not speak in the middle of a question
  6. Be afraid of showcasing himself
  7. Giving one liner answers

The interviewee must express his sincere thanks to the interviewer and follow it up with a firm hand shake which leaves the message that the candidate wants the job. Candidate must not be distraught if he is not selected. He can use this interview as a benchmark for the next interview.

If you are confident, skilled and face the interview with all honesty the success is sure to be yours.

All the best!!!